Elevate Your Meeting Marketing with our Favorite Creative Resources

In August we hosted our 2nd PodiatryExpo. This event was jam-packed with tips and tricks for DPMs to "Find Their Path and Implement Their Vision." Plus, one of the most exciting areas of content that we created was called the "No Experience Marketing Workshop". This was a collection of presentation [...]

What Are You Competing For?

Spill It Sarah... Let's chat about competition. We've been taught that the word "competition" is closely related to "enemy" or "foe." Then there are the inspirational quotes like, "you are your only competition," or "our competitors bring out the best in us." So as I continue, we can keep [...]

Your “Go-To” Planner for Podiatry Meetings

Sarah Breymeier Organizing a meeting from start to finish is a task that many would simply not be cut out to do - IT. IS. TOUGH. I'm not going to belabor all of the tasks that must be diligently fulfilled (you already know what they are), but what I do [...]

The Exhibitors Have Spoken

Over the last several weeks, we have had several focus groups with our industry's vendors/exhibitors in our Experienced Exhibitor Mastermind. So much useful information came to the forefront that will allow us to share with meeting planners and organizers to make events more "fruitful" for all parties. MEETING PLANNERS - [...]

I just found out “Imposter Syndrome” is a real thing.

Written by Ann Dosen According to Harvard Business Review, "imposter syndrome" is loosely defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud. It disproportionately affects high-achieving people, who find it difficult to accept their accomplishments. Normally, I’m a pretty confident person. I’m laid back; I assume everything will work [...]

Plotting Your Next Meeting Site

Sarah Breymeier Recently Ann and I have been scouting out sites for a meeting we're helping to organize in November of this year. Obviously, a major part of this process is site selection. BUT this is simply a very short and quick tip for all the meeting planners out there, [...]

The Importance of Coaching Your Speakers

Now, more than ever, conferences must deliver dynamic, engaging content to grab attendees' attention - and keep it. Whether your meeting is in-person or delivered online, meeting planners should work closely with their faculty and coach them on ways to ensure their lecture provides value. Online seminars struggle with this [...]

Your Meeting Has a Life of Its Own… And That’s a Good Thing!

As you get closer and closer to implementing your educational event, there's going to be a solid amount of time when you reflect on what you've accomplished in years past. When you look back, there are likely some common themes that you always incorporate into your meeting - the aspects [...]

Scrimping + Saving – and Reallocating

Quick Tips from Ann Meetings can save money by reevaluating the services they think of as standard – such as food during the break times. This year at the FPMA SAM Conference, there were only drinks set out during the breaks and I didn’t even notice there wasn’t any food [...]


Quick Tips from Sarah My partnership theme here can't stop, won't stop. For meeting planners, however, it's a little bit different and it could get REALLY tricky. Over the last few years, Ann and I have heard many people (both DPMs and exhibitors) talk about how there are just too [...]

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