Seasonal Planning: Conferences and Practice PR

TRICKS OF THE TRADE Quick Tips for DPMs Seasonal Planning: Conferences and Practice PR Before you blink, you will realize that November is here... and for most that means the beginning of the holiday season, but for DPMs (and hopefully most in health care), it means DIABETES AWARENSS MONTH! This [...]


Relate & Retain Sarah Breymeier Many times before sit down and figure out what I want to discuss in a given month's newsletter, I decompress by watching - well, everything. From "trash" reality TV to Oscar-winning dramas, I am often surprised by the unexpected insight I extract. Last week I [...]


RETENTION & MEETING STYLES The article above details the ways in which we are most likely to retain information - with the best way being by teaching. But, we're not always in the teaching position... This should become a key consideration when you choose the meetings you attend. I've written [...]


TEACHING DOES A DR. GOOD I've been lucky enough this summer to get away from my desk for a few hours each week and hit the golf course; and this year is particularly more enjoyable as there has been a noticeable improvement in my game compared to my first few [...]


I am currently listening to a book on Audible from James Clear; it's called Atomic Habits. As he provides practice advice to help anyone achieve their goals in creating new habits, or eliminating bad habits, there was one area that I found particularly interesting - IDENTITY-BASED HABITS. Here's a quoted [...]

HIDDEN TIP #2; We Didn’t Mean to Hold These Hostage

MY 10 PAGES Random reflections from what we're currently reading. (from February & March 2024 exhibitor newsletters) THE GOAL IS IRRELEVANT Right now I am technically not reading, but listening to a book with Audible called, Atomic Habits by James Clear. I am only a few chapters deep, but one [...]

HIDDEN TIP #1; We Didn’t Mean to Hold These Hostage

Since January, we have divided our standard newsletter into three publications: (1) DPMs, (2) vendors/exhibitors, (3) meeting planners & organizations. Each is different for obvious reasons, however, my hope is that you will find the articles below useful as a physician too! Check 'em out... REALITY TV REVELATIONS Noteworthy takeaways [...]

LET THE LITERATURE LEAD, What I Learned from My MLM Experience

Say what you want about multi-level marketing programs (or as most people refer to them, the dreaded PYRAMID SCHEME!). Granted, it's unlikely I would ever get involved in one again (I had my first and last experience in 2014), but there were a lot of "crash course" business lessons learned. [...]

THE NEXT 30 DAYS, Maximize Each Day of Foot Health Awareness Month

Be honest - are you ready for the month that's made for you?!! Obviously I'm talking about FOOT HEALTH AWARNESS MONTH. Every year, I urge DPMs to use the 90 days (January - March) to plan an epic marketing/communications/awareness campaign to launch on April 1. 90 days may seem like [...]

Collateral Damage: Get Rid of Those Printed Materials

One of my favorite things to (teasingly) make fun of, especially at conferences / exhibit halls because it's so prevalent, are the individuals that freak out when they think they're going to waste their collateral materials. Oh no!!! I printed those materials for everyone to see, but I don't want [...]

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