Remember this ad? (
It’s a great example showcasing why bigger is not always better; or that a small space can’t be eye catching.
Usually the biggest space that we have to exhibit in is a 10×10 booth; other times we only have the small area surrounding a 6′ table.
It’s no wonder that it can be difficult to think of creative ways to make a splash when we are spatially limited.
I was looking at an article in EXHIBITOR MAGAZINE and was really impressed with the ways the booths below maximized the space with shelving units and items that we would see in our homes or offices… (source:
Clearly there is an expense here to spruce up a booth to this type of detail, but, booths of this nature lend themselves to LAST MUCH LONGER. Even if you were to use the same equipment year in and year out, by maximizing the “walls” of the display with replacement graphics and products – you’ve got what looks like a whole new design at a moment’s notice.
The BIG BONUS, here though, is that with layouts like the ones showcased above, you will clear out all the clutter that is so familiar at meetings for the podiatry profession.
If you don’t want to hide all of your products underneath the table – then let’s do it in a way that is still inviting and organized!
Thoughts? Questions? Email Me!
Sarah Breymeier: