Welcome to the Richie Brace® Virtual Booth
Over the past 25 years, the Richie Brace® has become the preferred non-surgical treatment for common ankle conditions. It has become the Gold Standard in AFO fit and efficacy.
The Richie Brace® is a custom AFO designed to treat chronic conditions of the foot and ankle including:
PTTD | Adult-Acquired Flatfoot | Dropfoot | Chronic Ankle Instability | Paralysis and/or Weakness | Sprains
The Richie Brace®
The Richie Brace® family of AFOs has been successfully implemented for thousands of patients over 25 years; treating the most challenging foot & ankle pathologies. The lightweight, low-profile design makes it the preferred option over traditional AFOs.
The Original Richie Brace®
The Richie Brace® is a custom AFO designed to treat chronic conditions of the foot and ankle including:
PTTD | Adult-Acquired Flatfoot | Dropfoot | Chronic Ankle Instability | Paralysis and/or Weakness | Sprains
With a contoured balanced orthotic footplate articulated to adjustable semi-rigid lower leg uprights, the Richie Brace is ideally suited to stabilize rotational forces at the Midtarsal, Subtalar and Talo-Crural joints. Modifications and enhancements are available to add further restriction of motion in the sagittal, frontal or transverse plane.
Why the AeroSpring Bracing System is Superior to Traditional Walking Boots
December 4, 2023 | 8pm Eastern
Learning Objectives:
Learn how simple heel lifts do not plantarflex the ankle
Learn how walking boots inhibit healing of the Achilles
Learn a protocol for using carbon AFOs to rehabilitate the injured Achilles