Now, more than ever, conferences must deliver dynamic, engaging content to grab attendees’ attention – and keep it. Whether your meeting is in-person or delivered online, meeting planners should work closely with their faculty and coach them on ways to ensure their lecture provides value.
Online seminars struggle with this even more. Consider your presenter’s volume, lighting, background, and presentation slides. Ensure they have a stable internet connection or consider pre-recording. PRO TIP: if you decide to pre-record, enlist the help of other faculty to form a mini-audience that will encourage the speaker to be energetic while recording.
If you have sponsors that are investing dollars in a non-CECH session or workshop, this is crucial. Attendees will take a break and leave the session if the sponsored content is sleepy. Encourage the speaker to provide top-notch value that the attendee will appreciate even if they don’t use their products or services. Include panels, polls, spontaneous Q&A sessions, and other interactive elements.
Work with your sponsor so they understand the importance of this to maximize value/ROI.
Remember, if their session is not well-attended and considered a success, they will blame you. Unfortunate, but true.
– Ann Dosen