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Reinstill Your Creative Juices
This time of year is always a little strange. There seems to be an intense “back to work” vibe after the excitement of summer has died. For some, this could be a feeling of great motivation to end the year energized and productive; but I get the feeling that most are simply exhausted and just want to “get through it”. The last quarter of the year always seems to bring on a mindset of focusing on the holidays and there’s a bit of a slow down right before the finish line.
My advice – get your booty to a meeting! I know that probably sounds like the last thing you want to do if you’re feeling tired, but I have found that when I put myself back into the mix of “my people” (you guys), I get a new sense of inspiration and I no longer feel tired. I feel energized.
I remember how I felt during the COVID shut down. Part of me was loving the lack of stress that comes with the conference travel gig. I also remember that it was like pulling teeth to get me to sit down and create any new content. But then I went to a meeting. Side note – I had to; it’s my job. But the result of my obligation was the reigniting of my creativity and passion for my profession.
When you stay in your office, or at your home and only surround yourself with your co-workers and family, you are living in a vacuum. When you are in the vacuum it’s very difficult to achieve those incredible endorphins you get when you are in brainstorming mode.
So, one – get to a meeting and do it in person! You don’t get out of a vacuum online with no face-to-face interaction or true brainstorming opportunities that only in-person meetings offer.
Ok – here’s where it’s different than the DPM Tip and specific to exhibitors.
If/when you do decide to get to a meeting and propel yourself back into a world with peers and colleagues who understand the challenges you go through as a vendor in podiatry, you must maximize the time!
Instead of recreating the wheel in my advice here, I am going to remind you of a Trick of the Trade from August of last year:ALWAYS SAY YES TO A SPECIAL EVENT.
This tip emphasizes how you can maximize the time you are at a meeting and surround yourself with people who are going to help you jolt yourself out of a slump and flip your mindset for Q4.
-Sarah Breymeier
Ann Dosen2024-01-01T16:57:12-05:00
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