Your #1 Podiatric Meeting Resource provides podiatric physicians and meeting exhibitors access to critical information to help choose and plan for which podiatric meetings, conferences, and seminars to attend.
We also strive to provide meeting planners/organizers with vital information to help with future meeting scheduling, as well as share feedback to continue to make meeting progress.
With an extensive meeting calendar, meeting ratings/feedback (from both DPMs and exhibitors), and travel tips, is your top source of all-things podiatry meetings.
Share. Plan. Succeed.
We created to give both DPMs and vendors a voice in an effort to help meeting planners make continued meeting progress! So we created our SURVEY PAGE to allow you, your peers and colleagues share your meeting experience feedback!
Additionally, we have an extensive podiatric meeting calendar. This is the go-to source for knowing which meetings are happening on-site, virtually, or as a hybrid meeting.... when and where!
Finally, Ann and Sarah share what they've learned over a combined 20 years in the podiatry space... from tips and tricks to maximize a learning experience.... to navigating some of the most exciting cities in the US!