Quick Tips for Exhibitors

Brief Etiquette Reminder

Last weekend I did something I haven’t done for a while – I exhibited at a meeting representing The Remy Class IV Laser!

Shout out to the team at AAPSM for putting on a high-energy and well-organized event!!

Every meeting there’s something odd that stands out resulting in some sort of entertaining story and this event was no different; not that this was the most insane thing that’s ever happened to anyone ever, it’s simply something I had never experienced at a meeting up to this point.

Etiquette among exhibitors is crucial to a successful meeting, as well as a successful career in podiatry. Those of us who have been in the game for a while know that that once you burn a bridge, it can be tough to repair; plus the profession is small enough that word gets through the grape vine pretty quickly. Depending on the transgression, you can sink your reputation in one quick swoop.

The point – have respect for your fellow exhibitors. Ann has an article from a few years ago that will remind us of what some of those standards are. CLICK HERE TO GO BACK IN TIME AND VIEW

BUT – without further ado… on Friday morning I showed up to my booth ready to plug in my computer which was showcasing videos of DPM testimonials. This is a vital piece of my tabletop display.

So you can imagine my surprise when the power cord to my computer had been swiped! Yup; just taken from the back of my PC that was plugged in behind my table against the wall. Now I’m starting to panic and wonder who has been rooting through my personal items.

I emerged from behind the table and my neighbor gave me the description of the fellow who was later found guilty… I don’t want to name names, so I will refer to him as Valdemort. Keep in mind Valdemort is a veteran exhibitor and should know better than to covertly wander behind other exhibitor booths and just take whatever he thinks he needs at any given time.

Don’t be that guy. Nosing around others’ displays while they are not there is NOT COOL. Extra not cool – swiping ANYTHING!

Be cool my friends; ask for permission to borrow anything regardless of how unimportant you may think it is.

-Sarah Breymeier