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So far Ann Dosen has created 50 blog entries.

Reaching Young Physicians

Scroll down to read this month’s tip for meeting planners. I have the same tip for podiatry suppliers this month. Go read the tip for meeting planners. We must stand out if we want to have any hope of catching – and keeping – the attention of the younger physicians. [...]

Logistics & Statistics Buzz | Trim the Fat | Nov. 2021

Article written by Ann Dosen We’re entering a new era for trade shows, aren’t we? When all conferences were cancelled not too long ago, we panicked. Our sales plummeted. Then, as the industry and the world adjusted, our sales came back up, slowly but surely. Now, most companies I talk [...]

Sales & Marketing Buzz | The Magic Marketing Formula | Nov. 2021

Article written by Ann Dosen You would not believe the number of times I have had this conversation over the last two weeks. Perhaps it’s because I’m in the middle of pitching our revamped super fancy Corporate Sponsorship program (more details on that below). I suppose this is where I tell you [...]

Try Adding in Some Fun!

Recently, Sarah and I held our first round of “Experienced Exhibitor Mastermind” focus groups. We spoke with many different types podiatry meeting exhibitors to discuss ideas on how meeting organizers can enhance the exhibitor experience. I always love hosting idea-sharing sessions like these because inevitably other solutions come to mind [...]

Voice of the DPM – August 2021

INTERVIEW RECAP Alton R. Johnson Jr., DPM, CWSP Clinical Assistant Professor, Podiatrist, Podiatric Surgeon, and Wound Care Specialist As a DPM specializing in Wound Care, one of the conferences Dr. Johnson makes an effort to attend every year is the SAWC conference in the Fall. He also attends [...]

Voice of the Vendor – August 2021

Hi! It's us! Sarah and I recently had the opportunity to exhibit at the APMA National Conference in Denver. We were so glad to be back in person to see all our friends and colleagues! You may have noticed that Sarah and I always try to focus on the positive [...]

Metrics from Virtual Events | February 2021

We recently had the opportunity to design and implement the Virtual Exhibit Hall for the Florida Podiatric Medical Association’s SAM2021 conference. After the event, we took some time to review all data from the event, including how the number of average leads per company was impacted by a few [...]

Now is the time to try new things | February 2021

In this era of virtual and hybrid events, exhibitors are spending less dollars to participate in trade shows. We have little-to-no travel, shipping, or furniture display costs. Eventually, when on-site shows are more of the norm, we will be allotting dollars for these costs again... but for the time [...]

Avoiding the Gripe Sessions | February 2021

Pardon us while we get a bit touchy-feely for a moment... but mindset is everything! We have been on the tradeshow floor at podiatry meetings for over 10 years. Between the both of us, we’ve attended almost every conference available, many multiple times. What we're saying is... we get it. [...]

Managing Expectations in the Exhibit Hall | February 2021

By now, almost every exhibitor has had the opportunity to participate in a virtual exhibit hall event. There is no question they don’t deliver leads and sales the same way an in-person, traditional event does. Still, there is a lot of value in the data we capture at virtual events. [...]

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