Your Meeting Has a Life of Its Own… And That’s a Good Thing!

As you get closer and closer to implementing your educational event, there's going to be a solid amount of time when you reflect on what you've accomplished in years past. When you look back, there are likely some common themes that you always incorporate into your meeting - the aspects [...]

Scrimping + Saving – and Reallocating

Quick Tips from Ann Meetings can save money by reevaluating the services they think of as standard – such as food during the break times. This year at the FPMA SAM Conference, there were only drinks set out during the breaks and I didn’t even notice there wasn’t any food [...]


Quick Tips from Sarah My partnership theme here can't stop, won't stop. For meeting planners, however, it's a little bit different and it could get REALLY tricky. Over the last few years, Ann and I have heard many people (both DPMs and exhibitors) talk about how there are just too [...]

Struggling to Reach Young Physicians? We hear you.

Article by Ann Dosen Recently we scheduled several sessions with Young Physicians to discuss their thoughts on in-person meetings. Our goal is to find out what young physicians are looking for when selecting their meetings, including locations, content, cost, time of year, and more. Here’s the problem we ran into [...]

Improve Your Digital Branding Offerings

Have you been disappointed by the lack of interest in your organization’s digital branding opportunities for exhibitors and sponsors? Sarah and I have been having many discussions with our exhibitor colleagues lately and one of the topics we’ve been focusing on is the current branding opportunities available to exhibitors at [...]

Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner

During our Experienced Exhibitor Mastermind sessions, the focus was to brainstorm strategies meeting planners can implement to improve the exhibitor experience. Let me tell you, we came up with a TON of solid gold genius ideas. No way am I going to tell you all of them in one article! However, I [...]

Creating Fun and Inspired Environments

Over the last several days, Ann and I have had multiple conversations with exhibitors to gain insight which will could help meeting planners better understand how they can improve the exhibitor experience at their events. During that conversation, one of several interesting comments was made... to better communicate it, I [...]

“We’ve Always Done it This Way” is No Longer an Answer

One of our favorite phrases to hate is, "We've always done it this way." Sarah and I believe in change, in moving forward, in "rolling with the punches." While preparing the content for this month's newsletter, I read an article that shares these sentiments and warns about being hesitant to [...]

Choosing Your Meeting Venue/City

Over the years we've been to all sorts of cities and hotels for meetings; i.e. large cities like Vegas, Chicago, NYC, Washington D.C. There have also been smaller cities that don't pack as much of a tourist punch. There are a lot of items to consider when putting on a [...]

Working ON your Meeting vs. IN your Meeting.

If you read this month's DPM and/or Vendor "Tricks of the Trade", you will catch that the theme for this month's newsletter is to work ON your business vs. IN your business. For meeting planners, specifically, this one is especially tough because so much of your event is simply getting [...]

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