Trade Shows – Still a Must for Our Profession

Trade shows – those of us in the industry continue to claim that they’re getting harder and harder, however, we all feel that there is a big risk in not investing dollars in them at all. After traveling to countless podiatric trade shows over the last ten years for [...]

Get the Team out of the Office

Every company knows that the exhibitor expense must produce ROI. So you send your all-star sales team and hope they produce results! Yes. Keep doing that. But… meetings also provide a unique opportunity to utilize the skills of other team members. Often, once the sales rep closes an account, [...]

Sponsorships – Everything is For Sale

Have you purchased a sponsorship package for a conference your company has attended? You know the ones- a list of “benefits” that really do nothing for you, in an effort to have your logo listed among the other event sponsors for just a little bump in visibility? Have you [...]

Use the Optional Exhibit Hall Day When Available

Trust me… I get it! When official exhibit hall hours are over all I want to do is hop on my plane and get home to snuggle my puppies! But one thing we all know… the more face time you have with your current and prospective customers – the [...]

Shipping – You Have Options

You register to exhibit at a meeting, then a couple months before the conference, you receive the Exhibitor Service Kit. So many words. Material Handling Fees?! What?! Many larger conferences outsource the handling of shipments to a third party (GES, Freeman, etc). While sometimes it’s required to ship to [...]

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