Start with Your Goal

Before deciding on conference sponsorships or add-on opportunities, you must determine your goal for the meeting. Is it booth traffic, scientific podium time, brand visibility, generating a buzz? If you are a brand-new company, you need to make a splash. You need your logo EVERYWHERE. Send as many representatives as you [...]

Try Adding in Some Fun!

Recently, Sarah and I held our first round of “Experienced Exhibitor Mastermind” focus groups. We spoke with many different types podiatry meeting exhibitors to discuss ideas on how meeting organizers can enhance the exhibitor experience. I always love hosting idea-sharing sessions like these because inevitably other solutions come to mind [...]

Patience is a Virtue

One of the things that I know we're all guilty of is jumping the gun on evaluating the effectiveness of a particular meeting. Most of the time, we base the effectiveness on the amount of on-site sales we achieved. That is a very fair and very important metric; but this [...]

Ya Git What Ya Git and Ya Don’t Throw a Fit

"Tough Love Sarah" is coming at y'all right now, my friends! But it's all in the spirit of positivity and growth. Just please don't T.P. my house after you read what I have to say. Here we go... Over the last year, while we've had virtual exhibit halls that didn't [...]

Exhibiting Post-Covid

Some of us have done a few in-person shows throughout the year, but it's safe to say that we haven't done as many... and many have done ZERO. The upcoming APMA National Conference is going to be the first time many of us have stepped foot on an exhibit hall [...]

Engage Without Being a Sleazy Salesman

It’s time to dust off your sales and people skills. You are about to be back in a trade show booth, attempting to engage passers-by to tell them about what you have to offer. Being a good booth rep is a delicate balance of being friendly and unintimidating while also [...]

Get Your On-Site Materials Organized

We recently published a tip in our Experienced Exhibitor newsletter about getting your processes in place for the return of in-person trade shows. I've created a checklist for planning and a checklist for packing that we use when we exhibit and encourage all her clients to use as well. You [...]

Get Your Gear in Gear for On-Site Events

Finally, we are seeing a cautious return to in-person events. Yes, they may be hybrid (both an on-site aspect with virtual), but that means we are on the brink of more events where we will all be face-to-face again! Given, the forecast, now is the time to dust off your [...]

We’re creating even more tools for you…. use them!

This month launched our latest newsletter series: The Experienced Exhibitor. For the last ten years, we (Ann and Sarah) have been immersed in the podiatric space - spending countless weekends in your shoes... on the exhibit hall floor. We created with the goal to serve the industry. This [...]

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