Tricks of the Trade – Vendors2021-02-12T16:20:24-05:00

Tricks of the Trade – Vendors

Get the Team out of the Office

Every company knows that the exhibitor expense must produce ROI. So you send your all-star sales team and hope they produce results! Yes. Keep doing that. But… meetings also provide a unique opportunity to utilize the skills of other team members. Often, once the sales rep closes an account, [...]

August 15th, 2019|Categories: Tricks of the Trade - Vendors|0 Comments

Shipping – You Have Options

You register to exhibit at a meeting, then a couple months before the conference, you receive the Exhibitor Service Kit. So many words. Material Handling Fees?! What?! Many larger conferences outsource the handling of shipments to a third party (GES, Freeman, etc). While sometimes it’s required to ship to [...]

July 15th, 2019|Categories: Tricks of the Trade - Vendors|0 Comments
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