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No Secrets Here. This is What We’ve Been Chatting About with Vendors.
Over the last several weeks, we have taken a deep dive into creating practical ways exhibitors can determine how to “choose the right meetings”.
So, we thought it only fair to share with you the information we are recommending to our vendor family when they are figuring out what meetings make sense for them.
First, we want them to MAXIMIZE OUR RESOURCES. This includes our calendar of events, our surveys, and publications (like this newsletter!) So, with that in mind, we highly recommend that you keep an open line of communication open with us (Ann and Sarah) so we know everything that’s going on for your event and we can appropriately communicate those details in the relevant spaces!
Please, ask your DPMs and your vendors to take surveys so they can share just how amazing you are – spreading the word and letting everyone know that investing in your meeting is going to deliver ROI.
We also encourage vendors to take part in our quarterly Experienced Exhibitor Mastermind Sessions. These focus groups result in a vast amount of information that we would love to share with you! Shoot us an email so we can discuss how we can collaborate to make sure you are getting the information you need to elevate your meeting in the vendors’ eye.
One interesting tid-bit from these sessions is that the traditional, “big” meetings aren’t necessarily making vendors as satisfied anymore. Smaller meetings, about 100-400 attendees, are performing better (according to feedback). Possible Contributing Factors:
Less Cost = Higher ROI
Smaller spaces create an environment conducive to quality conversations
This is just the tip of the iceberg! Let us know if you want to know more by contacting us at
-Sarah Breymeier
Abbra Bouknight2023-05-30T14:48:40-04:00
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