Are You Wasting Your Marketing Budget

Ann Dosen Sarah and I believe that marketing dollars are never wasted. The difference is, sometimes you pay for impact and sales, other times you pay for lessons. I'm giving Sarah the credit for that genius line; it sounds like something she would say. Marketing is more art than science. [...]

How Not to Waste Money on Sponsored Sessions

Ann Dosen Have you paid way too much money to sponsor a speaker at a conference or virtually? If so, you know the challenges you face to put “butts in seats” or get attendees to actually show up live online. Sarah and I host sponsored webinar sessions almost every week [...]

How Can I Increase Event Conversions Faster?

Sarah Breymeier We all know how tough it is to make a sale on an exhibit hall floor... but remember that sales aren't the only stat that counts when it comes to conversions. A conversion could be something as simple as "closing" on acquiring an email address. Ultimately, though, we [...]

An Excessive Need to be Me

Sarah Breymeier Over the course of the last year, we have been forced to learn new ways of doing business; and conferences have been one of the biggest adjustments. As someone who prides herself on continual growth and learning, preaching the necessity to adapt and survive has been relatively natural [...]

Checking the pulse; how are you doing?

Ann Dosen It's just about the end of Q1 2022. How are you doing? How is your company doing? How are your salespeople doing? How have shows been for you? Recently when Sarah and I have been on the road we've noticed a shift in the attitudes of our fellow [...]

How do I decide which shows to attend?

Ann Dosen Podiatry is a very special industry. Many, if not most, of the podiatric vendors are small businesses. Being a small business in a specialized industry has many advantages but also [results in, experiences] unique struggles. One topic we find ourselves discussing with our vendor colleagues is, “what conferences [...]

Stop Doing It Just Because “They” Did

How many times do you walk around an exhibit hall floor and see the glitz and glamour of other booths? Maybe it's a huge blimp-like sign above the booth coming from the ceiling... maybe it's a display with screens and lights built into the walls. Maybe it's not the booth [...]

Face Your Fear of Email Marketing

We've talked about email marketing before. You know we are big believers in the power of email marketing for many reasons. While we were at SAM 2022, our efforts were rewarded by the feedback we received from attendees while on-site. During the welcome reception Wednesday night, Sarah and I were [...]

Reaching Young Physicians

Scroll down to read this month’s tip for meeting planners. I have the same tip for podiatry suppliers this month. Go read the tip for meeting planners. We must stand out if we want to have any hope of catching – and keeping – the attention of the younger physicians. [...]

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