One meeting challenge that never seems to change: difficulty attracting young physicians. Over a year ago, we shared some insight from surveys collected from young DPMs with the following summary: Young physicians are drawn to conferences that have engaging speakers. My recommendation – when you are creating promotional materials (especially [...]


Two things we know to be true... nobody is getting any younger and running meetings is not getting any cheaper. This is a massive issue that plagues meetings year after year and it always seems that the simple fix is to increase fees - primarily on the exhibitor side. I [...]


I can't tell you how many times I have spoken to meeting planners who are surprised that exhibitors didn't take advantage of certain sponsorship offerings, or that they are unaware of specifics regarding schedules, etc. I also can't tell you how many times I've heard exhibitors admit that they don't [...]

Seminar Sites: Who’s Bringing It?

I'm not going to waste any time talking about the importance of a polished website - we all know this. We also all know that when you get a new website, it's great... and it doesn't take long for it to become a mess! Trust me - Ann and [...]

Two Brains, One Meeting: Getting It Done as a Team

Many of you know that Ann & Sarah come as a package deal, and while we may give the outward appearance that we are always 100% in sync with one another, there are several differences in the way that we work. I thought about writing this post after she [...]

Surprising Real Estate: Toilet Talk

Several years ago I was exhibiting at the No Nonsense meeting in Ohio and I was, initially, none-to-pleased to be placed right by the bathroom. Until I realized just how amazing it is! In fact - here's a photo of me enjoying myself in that very spot (with [...]

More Traffic Please! Remove the Hallway Desk Escape Route

In life we know that two things are inevitable - death and taxes. As a meeting planner, you know one thing is inevitable - complaints about more exhibit hall traffic. This is ALWAYS top of the list when it comes to satisfying your exhibitors and there is no magic button, [...]

Adapt and Evolve

Reflecting on the last three years, I feel that 2023 was as close to "the good 'ole days" (pre-Covid) as we've had in comparison to 2020, 2021 and 2022; meaning in-person meetings were not bombarded with heavy restrictions and the process/flow felt "normal" again. However, it's also safe to say [...]

A “Heads Up” Can Go A Long Way

A handful of our previous meeting planner tips has a central focus about competition and/or the perception of competition with other meetings. Check this out: With that in mind, it can really go a long way within the profession to give other meeting planners a heads up when it [...]

Just Say No

As I was typing up the Featured Meeting article at the beginning of this newsletter, I took special notice to: *All KSUCPM continuing medical education is offered 100% in-person. There is no virtual offering for this event. It got me thinking about conversations I've had throughout the last couple of [...]

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