There cannot be any argument which debates that your faculty members are the most critical aspect of your meeting. The educational content is THE PRODUCT your organization provides (at least at the time of the specific event). If your faculty is not delivering top-quality content, your reputation is at risk.

I highly doubt members of your scientific/education committees are not working to recruit the leading experts of the profession, as well as anyone who is uncovering novel research and methods. Once you’ve got great content, though, there are additional areas of speaker management that are imperative to either protect your brand/reputation or elevate it.

My personal recommendations, that are separate from the article I am sharing below, include:

Presentation uniformity; meaning provide speakers a PowerPoint master slide deck so each presentation contributes to your brand consistency.

Select speakers who provide a healthy balance between name recognition, but isn’t perceived as recycling content from meeting to meeting. Attendees get tired of paying for registration year after year just to hear the same voices and perspectives.

Get your speakers involved in the promotion of your meeting. Again, the educational content is your product; the content is coming from your faculty. Provide them resources to not only promote your meeting, but showcase their personal brands.

These are just some quick tips from me, but below is an article worth sharing given the importance of speaker compliance:
Thoughts? Questions? Email Me!
Sarah Breymeier:

-Sarah Breymeier