Experienced Exhibitor 3.2.22 AD2022-03-07T21:51:07-05:00

The Experienced Exhibitor

Read previous issues of the Experienced Exhibitor by clicking the issue below.

March 2022 – coming soon!

Check out the individual “Buzz” reports below:

Sales & Marketing Buzz

Statistics & Logistics Buzz

Room Blocks

Ann Dosen Have you ever wondered why conferences ask you to book in the room block at the conference hotel? [...]

August 20th, 2022|

Did you know?

Which state has the highest number of podiatrists? If you guessed Florida, you're right! When considering your next target area [...]

March 20th, 2022|

Mindset & Motivation Buzz

Fun Stuff Buzz

Tricks of the Trade for Vendors
Published in our monthly newsletters


No matter if you work in the podiatric profession as physician, vendor, or meeting organizer/planner, utilizing the tips and resources supplied below will serve you well!

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