Welcome to the Marlinz Pharma Booth


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Explore the booth by using your mouse to hover over all the different elements in the booth and learn why their antifungal/nail renewal solution – Tolcylen – could be the next best thing to add to your practice!

Click for New Patient Brochure Office Collateral Available Click for Physician Brochure Click for Tolcylen Before and After Booklet Study on Tolcylen shows a 68% mycological cure rate for onychomycosis using PAS testing at 6 months. CLICK TO VIEW Ask me about our Podiatry Expo Show Special & Tolcylen! Click for order form

Physicians often ask, “How can a tolnaftate based product work so well?”

Fact: Surprising to some, Tolnaftate has a lower molecular weight and smaller molecule size than both terbinafine HCL and efinaconazole. The ability of an antifungal agent to be introduced to infected tissue around and under nails is widely reported to be determined by its molecular properties and formulation surface tension. Unlike Rx and other OTC drugs, the low surface tension Tolcylen™ delivery vehicle also contains a 20% cosmetic trio of proven agents that rapidly improves nail appearance for most fungal and non-fungal patients...

Please contact me to answer any questions you may have about Tolcylen, its success, and how it compares to other Rx and physician dispensed topical antifungal medications.

Hello and thank you for visiting!

My name is Rachel and I have a lot of exciting clinical updates to share with you including the first and only mycological cure rate study in the physician dispensed antifungal space!

Please feel free to message me to answer any questions you may have about Tolcylen™, its success, and how it compares to other Rx and physician dispensed topical antifungal medications.

With over 500,000 units sold and more than 2,800 accounts now dispensing Tolcylen, it is common to hear physicians describe patient satisfaction rates of 95% after 2-4 months of use. Many of these physicians have also been surprised by the significant amount of profit added to their bottom line due to the successful treatment of multiple nail pathologies.

Ask me about how you can trial Tolcylen in your office at no upfront cost to see the results for yourself on your own patients… I look forward to connecting!

Rachel Martinez
National Sales Manager
Marlinz Pharma

Unlike Rx and other OTC drugs, the low surface tension Tolcylen delivery vehicle also contains a 20% cosmetic trio of proven agents (urea, lactic acid, and propylene glycol) which rapidly improves nail appearance for most fungal and non-fungal patients!

Tolcylen is the only physician dispensed antifungal product which is clinically proven for pathologies including onychomycosis, trauma, psoriasis, yeast, bacteria, etc. Any patient with concerns about their nail appearance may be a great candidate for Tolcylen as it can be used for fungal and non-fungal nails, as well as maintenance or preventative therapy.

A 2011 independent study shows 92% of onychomycosis patients saw visible improvement to their nails at 8 weeks by applying the combination of urea, lactic acid, and propylene glycol (Tolcylen’s cosmetic component). Some patients reported improvement in as little as 10 days.

Download our “Before & After Image Booklet” located on the brochure rack to see how Tolcylen’s patented combination therapy provides rapid improvement to nail plates of patients with fungal and non-fungal pathologies.

Office Collateral Available

Marlinz Pharma provides your practice with complimentary in-office and digital patient education resources.

Ask me about our Podiatry Expo Show Special & Tolcylen!

We can significantly increase profits and patient outcomes in your practice immediately. Click products above for order form.

Your Booth Rep

Rachel Martinez

Rachel is the National Sales Manager of Marlinz Pharma and has been with the company since its launch in early 2017.

Use the chat feature at the bottom of your screen to start a virtual conversation with Rachel now!

Request More Information


Physician Brochure

In-Office Patient Brochure

Clinical Data and Onychomycosis
Study Summary

Tolcylen Before
& After Booklet

Penetration Capability of
Tolcylen Antifungal Video


Eradication Kit

Patient Education

Antifungal Skin Cream

Antifungal Microbial Shoe Spray

Antifungal Nail Treatment Solution