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Face Your Fear of Email Marketing
We’ve talked about email marketing before. You know we are big believers in the power of email marketing for many reasons. While we were at SAM 2022, our efforts were rewarded by the feedback we received from attendees while on-site.
During the welcome reception Wednesday night, Sarah and I were making the rounds and saying “hello” to people throughout the evening. I was shocked at the number of times someone told me, “I get your emails!” Even though we had never met most of these people before, they knew who we were and what our business offered. I kept expecting someone to tell me we emailed them too often, but no – not one complaint!
Throughout the week, attendees stopped us in the hall or visited our booth because they recognized us from our emails and wanted to connect. Email marketing works! It’s not something to be afraid of.
PRO TIP – do not take it personally when someone unsubscribed from your list. Don’t even look at the list of unsubscribed contacts – just delete them and move on. In Orlando, one of our favorite people came up and told me that he was going to unsubscribe one of his email addresses but he didn’t want us to be offended, he still reads faithfully from his other email address. What a nice thing to hear!
So, it’s time to get over your fear of email marketing. You don’t have to be perfect from the beginning, it’s a learning process. We are here to offer advice if you would like to reach out to us.
Here are some articles and videos we’ve published in the past to help with the “how-to” of it all:
Ann Dosen2022-03-16T18:49:15-04:00
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