Seminar Sites: Who’s Bringing It?

I'm not going to waste any time talking about the importance of a polished website - we all know this. We also all know that when you get a new website, it's great... and it doesn't take long for it to become a mess! Trust me - Ann and [...]

Two Brains, One Meeting: Getting It Done as a Team

Many of you know that Ann & Sarah come as a package deal, and while we may give the outward appearance that we are always 100% in sync with one another, there are several differences in the way that we work. I thought about writing this post after she [...]

Surprising Real Estate: Toilet Talk

Several years ago I was exhibiting at the No Nonsense meeting in Ohio and I was, initially, none-to-pleased to be placed right by the bathroom. Until I realized just how amazing it is! In fact - here's a photo of me enjoying myself in that very spot (with [...]

More Traffic Please! Remove the Hallway Desk Escape Route

In life we know that two things are inevitable - death and taxes. As a meeting planner, you know one thing is inevitable - complaints about more exhibit hall traffic. This is ALWAYS top of the list when it comes to satisfying your exhibitors and there is no magic button, [...]

Adapt and Evolve

Reflecting on the last three years, I feel that 2023 was as close to "the good 'ole days" (pre-Covid) as we've had in comparison to 2020, 2021 and 2022; meaning in-person meetings were not bombarded with heavy restrictions and the process/flow felt "normal" again. However, it's also safe to say [...]

A “Heads Up” Can Go A Long Way

A handful of our previous meeting planner tips has a central focus about competition and/or the perception of competition with other meetings. Check this out: With that in mind, it can really go a long way within the profession to give other meeting planners a heads up when it [...]

Just Say No

As I was typing up the Featured Meeting article at the beginning of this newsletter, I took special notice to: *All KSUCPM continuing medical education is offered 100% in-person. There is no virtual offering for this event. It got me thinking about conversations I've had throughout the last couple of [...]

Elevate Your Meeting by Experiencing Meetings

If you've read the DPM and Vendor Tips in this month's newsletter, you've noticed that I am strongly encouraging all of us to get out of the house and get to a meeting. But wait, you're a meeting planner. Why would you go to a meeting? We don't know what [...]

Strengthen Your Strengths

If you've read over this entire newsletter, you likely caught that I've taken notice of the "hot topic" of pediatrics in podiatry. It also may have you thinking, "Oh no.... I don't have a pediatric track in my agenda!" Don't stress!! Just because something is seemingly trending, doesn't mean every [...]

Bite Off One Change At A Time

Over the last couple of years Ann and I have had the unique privilege of consulting with meeting planners to assist in making positive changes for both DPMs and exhibitors. For a while it seemed that many people in both of these target audiences felt that meeting planners either just [...]

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