Tricks of the Trade – Vendors
A word about booth display design
Ann Dosen Sarah and I have spoken with many companies recently that are redesigning their exhibit hall display. This is a great way to shake things up and test new concepts. Plus - a new setup and graphics will grab the attention of attendees in the exhibit hall. Here are [...]
Stop Wasting Money Keeping Up With the Joneses
Ann Dosen During this round of Experienced Exhibitor Mastermind sessions, one of the questions we asked was, "When deciding which shows to go to for the year, do you consider whether your competition will be there?" I'm happy to report that the companies we spoke with this time all said [...]
Milk Your Meetings
Sarah Breymeier If you have downtown during a meeting... guess what, no more! From now on when you are not busy selling and schmoozing, you are going to utilize the time to showcase your products in a way that you can't when you're at home! When you're at a meeting [...]
Alternatives for “Show Specials”
Ann Dosen Does everyone keep asking for a "show special" and your company doesn't offer one because of compliance or another reason? If you can't offer a show special, here are a few ideas you can offer to DPMs at the show. Offer a supplement or resource as added value [...]
Always Say “Yes” to a Special Event
Sarah Breymeier I am definitely a believer in "different strokes for different folks," however there is a single truth that we must all accept as podiatric vendors... WE ARE IN SALES! You probably already knew that, right? Then, I will be honest when I say I cannot accept it if [...]
Breaking Out of Workload Paralysis
Sarah Breymeier These last few months have been amazing in regard to career growth. You may know that outside of, Ann and I each run our own individual businesses; and right now all of them are growing and thriving. Great news, right? I thought so too, until I was [...]