The Experienced Exhibitor©
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A word about booth display design
Ann Dosen Sarah and I have spoken with many companies recently that are redesigning their exhibit hall display. This is [...]
Stop Wasting Money Keeping Up With the Joneses
Ann Dosen During this round of Experienced Exhibitor Mastermind sessions, one of the questions we asked was, "When deciding which [...]
Milk Your Meetings
Sarah Breymeier If you have downtown during a meeting... guess what, no more! From now on when you are not [...]
Alternatives for “Show Specials”
Ann Dosen Does everyone keep asking for a "show special" and your company doesn't offer one because of compliance or [...]
Always Say “Yes” to a Special Event
Sarah Breymeier I am definitely a believer in "different strokes for different folks," however there is a single truth that [...]
Breaking Out of Workload Paralysis
Sarah Breymeier These last few months have been amazing in regard to career growth. You may know that outside of [...]