Tricks of the Trade – Vendors
I just found out “Imposter Syndrome” is a real thing.
Written by Ann Dosen According to Harvard Business Review, "imposter syndrome" is loosely defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud. It disproportionately affects high-achieving people, who find it difficult to accept their accomplishments. Normally, I’m a pretty confident person. I’m laid back; I assume everything will work [...]
Have You Been Maximizing the Summer Slow-Down?
The summer months are a little bit slower in meetings. The spring and fall are generally swamped with meeting opportunities, but the summer has only a handful to choose from. However, it's the end of June. Where is the summer going? I feel like I blinked, and it was over. [...]
The Silver Lining of COVID19
Sarah Breymeier You know what sucked/sucks? Pandemics. Tell you something you don't know, right? It's been almost a full year since many the events we used to consistently attend are back in person; not all, but many. Ann and I have been lucky enough to attend a handful of them, [...]
Exhibitor Etiquette: Don’t “Doc Block” and More Unspoken Rules of the Exhibit Hall Floor
Ann Dosen Sarah and I have had the opportunity to be on-site at several conferences recently. While we were in Columbus, OH for the Ohio Foot and Ankle Scientific Seminar, we were chatting with a fellow exhibitor. As we were talking, an attendee started to walk in the direction of [...]
Summer Lovin’ Had Me a Blast… Developing my Digital Marketing Strategy!
Sarah Breymeier If you've taken a recent gander at our website's Calendar of Events - or even your own meeting schedule - you're probably not as bogged down with travel in the summer than the Spring and Fall. I don't know about your time management habits, but if you're anything [...]
Are You Wasting Your Marketing Budget?
Sarah and I believe that marketing dollars are never wasted. The difference is, sometimes you pay for impact and sales, other times you pay for lessons. I'm giving Sarah the credit for that genius line, it sounds like something she would say. Marketing is more art than science. Sometimes, a "throw it [...]