Tricks of the Trade – DPMs2021-02-12T16:18:02-05:00

Tricks of the Trade – DPMs

New PressureOFF™ Insoles from PediFix® Advance the Standard of Care for DFUs

A 4th generation family of foot specialists since 1885, The PediFix Footcare Company is committed to advancing the standard of care for the management of diabetic foot ulcers and common plantar pathologies. The firm is introducing a new offloading insole that fits and functions in patient’s everyday footwear, with the [...]

June 29th, 2022|Categories: Tricks of the Trade - DPMs|0 Comments

I just found out “Imposter Syndrome” is a real thing.

Written by Ann Dosen According to Harvard Business Review, "imposter syndrome" is loosely defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud. It disproportionately affects high-achieving people, who find it difficult to accept their accomplishments. Normally, I’m a pretty confident person. I’m laid back; I assume everything will work [...]

Summer Lovin’ Had Me a Blast… Developing my Digital Marketing Strategy!

Sarah Breymeier If you've taken a recent gander at our website's Calendar of Events - or even your own meeting schedule - you're probably not as bogged down with travel in the summer than the Spring and Fall. I don't know about your time management habits, but if you're anything [...]

Facts Tell, Stories Sell

Sarah Breymeier We've all sat in lectures that make our eyelids somehow get heavier.... and heavier... and heavier. BORING. BORING LECTURES. Right? Obviously, we can't control what the speaker is presenting, but if you are a presenter - whether it be to an audience at a meeting or your patients [...]

April 20th, 2022|Categories: Tricks of the Trade - DPMs|0 Comments
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